Carport with photovoltaics for companies

E-cars are becoming increasingly attractive, but the charging infrastructure is still limited. Carports with photovoltaics from VODASUN® are a cost-effective investment opportunity for your company and offer sustainable charging stations directly on site.

Sustainable charging infrastructure through solar carports: good for your wallet & image

The trend towards electromobility has not only reached private motorists, but companies can also benefit from a price advantage and a boost to their image at the same time. achieve. If an electric vehicle is already particularly environmentally friendly, it is only completely emission-free thanks to solar power.

There are several ways to operate a charging station with solar power: Companies invest in solar systems for hall roofs or existing carports. VODASUN® also installs e-car charging stations without a PV system. You can also use your Rent out a roof area or lease another solar area. VODASUN® then supplies the extracted Solar electricity for the charging stations. Contact us, we will be happy to make you an offer.

Questions? No problem!

Advantages of carports with photovoltaics for companies

Installing carports with photovoltaics is a smart investment for companies that want to save money, reduce their environmental footprint and increase their property value and marketing potential. By transforming your car parks into modern and sustainable charging parks, you can enjoy many benefits:

Benefits for the environment

Solar energy is a clean and renewable energy source. In this way, companies can reduce their ecological footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Cost savings

By generating their own electricity, companies can save money on their energy bills. This is particularly advantageous for companies that operate their own fleet of electric company vehicles: from forklift trucks to delivery vans.

Higher property value

Installing carports with a PV system will increase the value of your commercial property as they provide an additional source of income and reduce operating costs.

Covered car park

The carports with photovoltaics offer covered parking spaces for employees and customers, protecting the electric cars from the weather while charging.

Marketing opportunities

Companies can use the solar carports as a marketing tool to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. This can attract customers and employees who share these values.

Government incentives

Companies can take advantage of tax incentives, grants, subsidised loans and rebates for the installation of solar panels on carports, which significantly reduces the initial cost of installation.

Buy carports with photovoltaics for your company: VODASUN®

Whether independence from public charging stations or promotion of sustainable traffic management, you benefit from a charging infrastructure with solar carports in many ways. We at VODASUN® are your contact for high-quality carports with photovoltaics and experts for their planning, installation and maintenance. As a provider of solar energy systems and many supplementary services, we know the needs that are currently driving companies and private customers to buy PV. Contact us if you have any questions about your sustainable charging infrastructure using carports with photovoltaics – we will be happy to advise you!

Enquire now free of charge & without obligation!

FAQs - the most frequently asked questions

Yes! Installing a photovoltaic system is a worthwhile investment for many people and can help to lower their energy costs and reduce their ecological footprint.

Simply use our solar configurator for a non-binding enquiry. We will then contact you immediately to discuss the next steps with you.

In order to find out whether your roof surface is suitable for a solar installation, various factors such as the orientation of your roof, the angle of inclination or the size of your roof surface must be checked in order to make a concrete decision. We will be happy to help you and check together whether your roof surface is suitable for a solar installation.

We are convinced that everyone should have the opportunity to realise the dream of self-produced and sustainable energy. For this reason, we work closely with high-performance partners who can provide financing for our modules and energy concepts on extremely favourable terms. Investing in renewable energy sources, such as photovoltaics, gives you an excellent opportunity to effectively showcase your corporate commitment to sustainability and environmental protection.

As soon as we have received your enquiry, we will check your request within the next 24 hours and get back to you with a suitable answer.

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