Optimisation of the ESG rating with VODASUN

24 January 2024 - Reading time: 4 minutes

In the modern business world, sustainability is at the forefront – an imperative that stems not only from environmental awareness, but also from the need to adapt to changing consumer expectations. This not only presents companies with challenges, but also considerable opportunities for growth and innovation.

A particularly exciting field in this context is the conversion of unused roof surfaces into sources of sustainable energy. This innovative measure is far more than just a trend. It marks the transition to more environmentally conscious management and signals a new era of resource efficiency.

By transforming their roofs into solar power plants or other forms of renewable energy, companies are not only reducing their ecological footprint. They also open up the prospect of long-term financial benefits – a win-win situation for the environment and the balance sheet.

In this article, we will look at the benefits of using this strategy to achieve your ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) goals. You will also learn how VODASUN can support you on this path to ensure sustainable success and at the same time make a positive contribution to our planet.

What significance does ESG have for companies?

The ESG criteria form a comprehensive framework for assessing a company’s sustainability and ethical practices and have become increasingly important in recent years.

The “E” – Environmental – refers to the ecological impact of a company, from its energy consumption to its emission values.

The “S” – Social – relates to social impacts and responsibilities, including treatment of employees, community relations and contribution to social issues.

The “G” – Governance – focuses on the structure of corporate management, the disclosure of information and compliance with ethical standards.

Why is compliance with ESG criteria of paramount importance?

The integration of ESG criteria into business practices is important, as they not only influence a company’s image, but can also promote long-term financial stability.

They enable companies to identify and proactively manage both short and long-term risks. This includes not only environmental risks, but also social challenges and governance issues.

Investors, customers and other stakeholders have a growing interest in sustainable and responsible companies, which further emphasises the relevance of ESG. Companies that seriously incorporate these criteria into their strategies not only position themselves as ethical and sustainable, but can also minimise potential risks and create opportunities for long-term growth.

What advantages does roof rental offer in terms of achieving ESG goals?


  • By utilising your roof area to generate solar energy, you are actively helping to reduce your company’s carbon footprint.
  • The free roof refurbishment as part of the letting is not only resource-saving, but also emphasises your commitment to sustainable building.


  • Energy-as-a-Service: Favourable tenant electricity for your company.
  • By feeding into the local power grid, sustainable energy is made available to the local community.


  • The strategic decision to lease your roof for solar energy generation demonstrates responsible management and strengthens your governance profile in terms of renewable energy investment and future direction.


Our competent team is at your disposal for a personal consultation. Thanks to our solar configurator, we can create customised offers that meet your individual requirements.

Do you fulfil the requirements for roof rental by VODASUN?

  • Stable buildings and intact roof trusses are essential for the installation of photovoltaic systems. VODASUN offers the option of free refurbishment for roofs that are in need.
  • A minimum roof area of 1000 square metres is required for renting.
  • If your property is surrounded by tall buildings or trees and the roof to be rented out is therefore often in the shade, roof rental for a solar installation is unfortunately not feasible.
  • Due to a lease term of 20 years, no renovation measures or demolition of the building may be planned during this time.

What is the roof rental process like?

Preliminary check of your roof area with lease indication for you
All we need for your non-binding offer is a few details about you and your building type. Simply fill out the form in our solar configurator.
Individual advice & personalised offer
Once you have submitted your enquiry using our solar configurator, we will be happy to invite you to a short telephone or virtual consultation so that we can clarify any questions and provide you with the best possible solution for your needs.
Conclusion of lease agreement & short-term installation
After the consultation, you will receive a non-binding offer from us. If you agree with our offer, we will start installing the photovoltaic system within 8 weeks.
Preliminary check of your roof area with lease indication for you
Individual advice & personalised offer
Conclusion of lease agreement & short-term installation

How profitable is roof rental with VODASUN?

  • By leasing your roof area to VODASUN, you not only create a long-term passive source of income over a period of 20 years, but also generate stable income without having to actively intervene in the operation of the photovoltaic system.
  • Sustainability starts with your roof:
    The rental of your roof area includes a free roof renovation. We optimise your area for the installation of photovoltaic modules and thus contribute together to the sustainable energy transition.
  • Long-term reduction in your energy costs:
    By using solar power, you can not only cut costs in the short term, but also reduce your energy costs in the long term. A win-win situation for your company and the environment.



Raul Nitu
Chief Marketing Officer
E-Mail: presse@vodasun.de
Mobil: +49 (0)160 952 666 47


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