Solar power.

Solar power, solar energy and photovoltaics – these terms are often used interchangeably in everyday life, but what do they mean in detail? This article brings order to the chaos of terminology and clarifies the most important questions about solar power.

VODASUN® - Your contact for solar power

We at VODASUN® are your competent partner for all aspects of solar power – we support you with your solar power project from planning to installation and commissioning. Whether you want to reduce electricity costs with a solar system for your company or buy a solar system for your private household, we at VODASUN® will support you in every phase of the project.

VODASUN® is continuously working on new offers and concepts and now offers Energy-as-a-Service for your company: You rent out your roof areas we cover the costs of your solar system and supply you with cheap, green electricity. As experts in the field of solar systems and solar power we provide information on the most common questions about how solar power works and the benefits of solar power and clarify the difference between photovoltaics and solar thermal energy.

Questions? No problem!

What is solar energy? A definition

Solar energy, also known as solar power, utilises the sun’s radiation to generate energy. With the help of the appropriate technology, for example solar cells and the system behind them, this energy is converted into heat or electricity and can therefore be utilised by people.

How does photovoltaics work?

A photovoltaic system is made up of many individual modules that are mounted on the roof of your home or business. These modules in turn consist of numerous solar cells. The electrons in these cells move as soon as the sun’s rays hit them. This movement produces direct current, which is then converted into alternating current by an inverter and fed into the household grid as solar power. Solar energy in your photovoltaic system produces solar power as an end product. You can store the solar power in a solar storage system and use it during the less sunny hours of the day.

So that you can capture and utilise as much solar radiation as possible with your solar system, you should pay attention to the orientation and roof pitch of the photovoltaic system during installation. If you have any questions about installing a solar system and your personal living situation, please contact us.

What can solar power be used for?

As a rule, the solar power produced is fed into the household grid and used for daily electricity consumption. Your lighting, computer or household appliances can be operated with solar power in a relaxed manner, significantly reducing your electricity costs. Solar power is particularly profitable for own use, as the feed-in tariff itself is quite low.

In addition to your daily electricity requirements, the solar energy generated can also be used for heating if you have a heat pump and can also be used to operate a solar charging station for your electric car.

Solar thermal energy & solar power: similarities & differences

Solar power and solar thermal energy both utilise the sun’s radiation to generate energy and therefore both belong to the superordinate category of solar energy. The differences lie in the realisation of the technology, the area of use.

While solar systems use solar radiation to generate electricity, thermal solar systems convert the rays into heat. This heat is then stored and can be used to produce hot water or for heating. A combination of solar thermal energy and solar power is also possible and is recommended by experts.

The advantages of solar power for private individuals & businesses


Sunlight is an infinite resource that you can use to save on electricity costs.

Your electricity bill

By installing a solar system, you produce your own electricity, which pays off (especially in the long term).

Green and emission-free

By using solar energy, you are making a contribution to environmental protection and thus to the future.


Whether electricity prices fall or rise has no effect on your own production.


Solar systems are robust – 25 years or more are not uncommon with the right care.

Image building for companies

Customers are paying more and more attention to the carbon footprint of companies and products. You can score points here with a solar system.


Companies with a large roof area in particular benefit from solar systems, as installation costs fall as the number of square metres increases. In addition, a large solar system produces more electricity, which can also be fed into the grid.

Financing: subsidies, tax benefits & more

The high purchase and installation costs are a deterrent for many people and prevent them from investing in a solar energy system. However, there are various regional and national subsidy programmes for the expansion of renewable energies that make the purchase more affordable.

The Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG): state subsidies for photovoltaics
With the Renewable Energy Sources Act, the German government wants to accelerate the expansion of renewable energies and is therefore also subsidising the expansion of solar installations. If your solar installation fulfils the requirements of the law and you submit the necessary applications in good time, you are entitled to a low-interest loan from the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW). However, the state support is not only limited to the purchase costs of the photovoltaic system, but also applies to its operation. This is because the Renewable Energy Sources Act promises operators a fixed rate of remuneration for the electricity that is fed into the general electricity grid – for 20 years!

Regional subsidy programmes for solar energy systems: Grants & subsidies
In addition to nationwide subsidies for solar energy systems through the Renewable Energy Sources Act, the individual federal states also offer campaigns and subsidy programmes to promote the expansion of renewable energies. The programmes vary from state to state and range from grants for investing in solar storage systems to unlimited subsidies for solar energy systems.

Energy-as-a-Service: solar systems for your company
Are you interested in stable and low electricity costs without high investment costs in a solar system for your company? Energy-as-a-Service is the VODASUN® offer for you: VODASUN® leases your roof and assumes the entire costs for the installation, maintenance and operation of a solar system. We also conclude an electricity supply contract with you that guarantees you a stable electricity price below the usual price for commercial electricity.

Our conclusion on solar energy

Solar systems utilise the infinite resource of the sun and convert its radiation into electricity. This electricity can then be fed into the household grid or the general electricity grid and used to power household appliances, electric cars and much more. Although the initial costs are high, a photovoltaic system quickly pays for itself and is supported by the state through a variety of subsidy programmes. Both private individuals and companies benefit from stable electricity costs and at the same time make a positive contribution to nature and the environment.

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